We presented our concept design and feasibility study for the new Community Hub on 10th October 2022 at the Droichead Arts Centre. The new building will provide services for the Moneymore Consortium. It will accommodate the Connect Family Resource Centre, the Foroige/Garda Cable Youth project, the Community House and the Afterschool Club. There has been a significant increase in the demand for these services in recent years, services that are vital to sustainability and health/well-being of the community.
The concept plan is laid out around a central courtyard which brings daylight and nature into the building and helps to aid orientation and movement. Physical and visual connections between the centre and the existing playground / basketball court are created, enriching the environment, and providing opportunities for community interaction.
In urban design and planning terms the new building creates a strong edge to the existing road, this is important because it provides passive surveillance and discourages anti-social behaviour while at the same time enhancing the road and making it more attractive. A setback on the south corner has been added to create an important public space at the entrance forecourt where people can meet in a sunny location.