In counties Louth and Meath, Draft County Development Plans have both been published and public submissions submitted for both are currently under review. These Development Plans set out the policies required for the sustainable development in a manner that is consistent with the guidance, strategies and policies at National and Regional level.
The section that has the most significant change that we use on a day-today basis is Housing and Rural Development for one-off houses. The current level of rural housing development in the County is unsustainable. The specific land use requirements of agricultural activity will be accommodated as a first priority and the Development Plans will now focus on supporting vibrant rural communities centred on a network of rural nodes. They are encouraging and supporting the restoration and refurbishment of the existing built fabric in rural areas. Both of these Development Plans will come into effect later this year, Meath County Development Plan 2021 - 2027 is due to be published and come into effect in Summer 2021 with the Louth County Development Plan 2021 - 2027 to come into effect in Autumn 2021.
For more information on Section 3 Housing, Louth County Development Plan 2021 - 2027
Section 9 Rural Development Strategy, Meath County Development Plan 2021 - 2027
09. Rural Development Strategy | Meath County Council Online Consultation Portal